Once in a Blue Moon
A once in a blue moon experience discussion leads to Taro’s predictability.
A Hopi Elder’s Prophecy
An unnamed Hopi elder’s prophecy from 2000 is exactly what we need right now.
Roshi - An Honorific or a Trash Can?
What does the term “Roshi” really mean? And why is garbage being thrown around? Figuratively, that is.
New Book Cover Reveal
Our cover reveal for our Anniversary Edition! Of course, Taro finds a way to turn things around, as usual.
Just Crack the Egg Once
Cracking an egg has more implications than just making an omelette.
Karma: The Universal Law of Cause and Effect
You chew your tail, you get the cone. This is the universal law of cause and effect. Some will call this Karma.
Birds of a Feather Do Something Together
Spoiler alert: There are three birds who are essential to Taro’s success in the monastery in the forest
Jenn, What Are You Doing?
Taro is introduced to our new website but sometimes hunger overtakes him.
Perfection is an Illusion
The light that shines through our offerings illuminates. No perfection. Just pure light shining through.
And a Kōan is What?
Technically, kōans are case studies, dialogues between Zen Masters and their students passed down through the generations.
What is Zen, Anyway?
To appreciate the benefit of what Zen has to offer is to experience a fluid, flexible state of being. A state that can easily bow and adapt to conditions, not unlike the branches of a willow. Ripening ourselves through sitting gives us this opening.